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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Swing backflow laaaaaaa

asssalam semua,

patutnya arini wordless wednesday kan? tapi i nak jugak buat entry. erm, selama hampir 3 bulan ada Hussein, i pakai medela swing untuk pam susu. alhamdulillah, setakat ni susu untuk Hussein masih mencukupi. tapi, i ni pemalas nak pam. bad habit btol. kalo tengah cuti, ade kat umah, i pam sekali jer. pastu time keje, i pam dua kali je. patut 3 kali sebab hussein minum 3 kali sepanjang i keje. setakat ni, alhamdulillah.dapat la 12-14oz sehari.

ada sekali tu, pam i backflow! huhuhu! panik i. rasanyer sebab susu dah let down, tapi i tak tekan 2nd phase button. terus off pam. cik b tengah membengkak, so i marmet je. i memang tak reti marmet tau. first time marmet dulu, dapat tak sampai 2oz pon untuk both sides. ni kira pasrah jer la. ni la hasil i marmet for second time
alhamdulillah. ni for both sides tau. ada jugak rezeki Hussein. then, i panik plak camne nak buat dengan swing yang backflow tuh. puasla google tenet sebab manual dia tertinggal kat umah. now, im staying kat umah MIL. then, jumpa cara untuk ebrsihkan motor swing. i memang risau gila if susu termasuk dalam motor swing. sedey weyh. memang satu ari tu i monyok. meroyan kat fb, meroyan kt twitter. huhuhu.sampai nak p kedai dah, nak cari avent manual.seb baik tak p lagi. okeh, ni cara2 nak bersihkan motor swing. 


  1. Remove battery compartment cover from bottom of motor.
  2. Remove small, black foam piece from bottom of pump.
  3. Rinse the foam piece with clear lukewarm water, and squeeze out excess water.
  4. Allow to dry thoroughly before inserting back into pump. 
  5. Pour about 2 ounces of warm soapy water into a container.
  6. Connect the tubing to the motor, leaving the other end unconnected.
  7. Connect the power cord to the motor, then plug into electrical outlet (do not power with battery).
  8. Hold the end of the tubing that is not connected to the pump in the container with the soapy water.
  9. Place the motor over a dry sink and switch on. The water will pump through the tubing into the motor and flow out through the opening beneath the battery cover. Allow it to pump until all the water has been flushed through.
  10. Repeat this procedure again with 2 ounces of warm clear water.
  11. Leave the motor switched on for an additional 3 minutes so it dries completely.
  12. As soon as the foam piece is dry, put it in place again, and re-install the battery compartment cover.
If necessary, clean the pump kit according to cleaning instructions."
*taken from this website

so, i buat la ikut step2 kat atas. alhamdulillah, my swing works perfectly. rupanya boleh cuci motor ni. ingatkan kena anta servis jer. bagus la swing ni. i loikeee. tak tau plak ade hole kat belakang pam tu. tapi, i still nak avent manual. nak jugak manualnya. tengah timbang tara antara avent manual or medela harmony. dalam masa yang sama, macam nak convert swing jadi double pump. hurmmm.. tunggu i dapat diploma dalam dunia nursing nih. then only i beli manual. mampu ke i menahan diri daripada membeli sampai dapat diploma nih?


  1. hehehe...dulu bercita-cita nak beli freestyle. mebi untuk second baby i will. nak kumpul duit siap2 hahahahah!

  2. kalau nak beli avent manual beli kat fb nuriz shar.. rm148 cam gitu harganya. aritu i belum pakai la sb baby blum ada...hehe

  3. mommy_cha: btol2. mmg itu pon cita2nya. kene kumpul duit awal2 kan..hehehe

    syima: wah! murah tu. nanti i p terjah.lagi 3 bulan. ye ye je nak tunggu sampai 3 bulan ek. hahahaha

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  5. Macam mana nk convert swing to double pump? I ada beli swing tapi my friend suggest convert since nnt i nak kerja sng.. I cari tubing tu banyakkat amazon dengan ebay je. :( Kat malaysia takde ke? Plus dia punya connector kalau convert to 2ble pump kena tukar lain or boleh pakai yg sama? Baby blom lahir lg mama dia dah gelabah nk convert..haha. :D

  6. bestnye dapat pam susu bnyk cm tu..nad xpnah dapat penuh..nak dapat separuh pon susah :(

  7. asz miza:i pon x sure pernah bc kt fb KIM n tgk utube. dorang bli spare part swing tu sendiri or spare part harmony.connector utk tube tu p bli kat kedai akuarium.nnt i cr cth gambar tepek ek. hehehe

    nad:alhamdulillah, rezeki Hussein.takmo sedey2 ek dear.u have to b strong.asalkan babies u sihat.kalo u sedey2, nnt lagi takde susu sbb maknyer stress..


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